Follett eBooks:
You may access Follett eBooks by logging into the Warren Hills Website, and dropping down on the library menu to "library services." Once there, go to the bottom of the left hand column and find "Follett eBooks" and follow the instructions given.
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Our Mission Statement:
The Elizabeth Ames Library of Warren Hills High School promotes information literacy in order to prepare students for the 21st century and to ensure that students are effective users of information. Our overall mission is to get students and staff excited about reading, whether it is for research projects, for personal interests, or for internet applications.
Our Overall Objectives:
Promoting books, reading, and discussion
Improving information-seeking strategies and research techniques
Providing hard copy and online resources to both staff and students: books, DVD's, CD's, videos, audio-books, play-a-ways, magazines, newspapers, and databases
Providing computer applications: Microsoft Office, SkillsTutor, COIN, K-12 Planet, SmartBoard, iPhoto, and more
Displaying student artwork and projects, and showcasing student presentations and performances
Presenting primary resources and cross-curricular speakers and workshops in interactive forums
Library Information & Photos
The library includes print, non-print, and computer based technologies along with access to audiovisual resources. The Library's arrangement and collections reflect a multiple intelligence educational model and a differentiated, instructional philosophy; thus emphasizing the importance of meeting the needs of individual students.