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Class of 2028 Orientation

Circle of students

August 21, 2024 beginning at 2:45pm

July, 2024


Dear Parent/Guardian,


On behalf of Warren Hills High School, I would like to formally invite you and your soon to be ninth grader(s) to attend the Freshmen Orientation to be held at the high school on the afternoon/evening of Wednesday, August 21, 2024.  The orientation will be facilitated by members of the Teaching Staff, Senior Peer Leaders, and Administration for purposes of supporting all incoming ninth graders as they transition to the new routines associated with a new school.


The afternoon orientation will be filled with numerous activities designed to officially welcome incoming freshmen students all the while reducing the anxiety associated with the first day of school. Throughout the orientation students will be engaged with icebreaker introduction activities, tours of the building, reviews of student schedules and general high school procedures/expectations. Additionally, students will have the privilege of listening to a guest motivational speaker from the community who intends to inspire freshmen on the importance for taking ownership of their own high school experience!  This is a great opportunity for all incoming ninth graders who are getting started on their journey through high school! 


I hope your child will be attending this function, which culminates in a catered dinner where parents and students can discuss events included throughout the afternoon.  Parents will be asked to drop off students for the orientation, and return later in the afternoon for an optional “Parent Seminar”.  The parent seminar will highlight information on high school procedures and also provide direction for navigating the online Genesis student information system. The parent orientation will conveniently be held in the cafeteria allowing for a seamless transition to dinner.   


A general itinerary for the “Orientation Event” will be as follows: 


  2:30  - Photos for school I.D.  (strictly for students coming from out of district).  All others need not attend.

  2:45  - Student sign-in for orientation


  3:15 - Orientation begins; Administration presentation to students in auditorium

  3:30 - Students begin rotation through five (5) activity stations located throughout the high school


  5:45 - Parent Seminar held in cafeteria

  6:15 – Catered dinner for students & parents in cafeteria


If you would like your child to attend the event and plan to join us for dinner at 6:15 p.m., please RSVP by following the Genesis Link provided; phone calls will also be accepted (phone) 908-689-3050 ext. 3025 ~ Please RSVP by Friday, August 16th.


Thank you for your support and we hope to see you on Wednesday, August 21st.



Glenn Barker

Assistant Principal

  • Orientation