English Language Arts
Warren Hills Regional School District Keith E. Dennison, M. Ed. Departmental Philosophy The English Language Arts Department is committed to preparing students for college and career through instruction in reading, writing, listening, speaking, and communication skills. Students will consistently read, analyze and discuss different genres of literature and nonfiction text during their four year sequence in English Language Arts. Throughout the scope and sequence of the required program students will come to understand the craft of writing for different purposes, and routinely express themselves through writing. Additionally, they will develop discipline specific vocabulary for the arts and humanities, as well as demonstrate the skills necessary for successful acquisition of vocabulary for other academic disciplines. As a result of their coursework, students will be provided ample opportunities to learn, practice, and master oral communications skills for a variety of purposes and a variety of audiences. The English Language Arts Department curriculum infuses technological tools where appropriate in order to prepare students to responsibly use and create digital media. English Language Arts Department Resources |
Our Educators
Mr. Carmello Chiara
Mrs. Kristen Chiara
Mrs. Courtney Flowers
Mrs. Stephanie Golda-Poirier
Mrs. Penny Giamoni
Mrs. Emily Kablis
Mrs. Alison Loro
Ms. Toni Manfra
Mr. Andrew Oakley
Mr. Jesse O'Neill
Miss Heather Wight
Ms.Theresa Wilson
Educational Standards
New Jersey Student Learning Standards: English Language Arts (2023)